Three month anniversary & a third round-up

Exactly three months today I touched down in Munich town. This was the photo I took of a street in my 'hood a couple of weeks after I landed:  

Three months on...Same street, same view, different season. How time has flown by!

Last week I had a bit of a freak out since with the conclusion of my university days, it seems I must now venture out into that scary place known as the "real world". 

I used to be a real "planner". At the age of 15 I had a life plan. I knew (or rather thought I knew!) what I wanted to be (architect), how many houses I'd have (three), where they would be (NZ, Germany and Spain), not quite how many kids I'd have, or how many husbands (hehehe!), actually I always thought I never wanted to get married...You could say I was a little set in my ways. I probably still am, but at least I no longer live according to a plan, which I've learned is quite liberating. But at the same time, scary.

So back to that freak out...with all this "living in the moment", it was a bit of a shock to realise the time has come to find a "real job" in the "real world"! Becoming an "unplanner", makes it kind of hard to make, ummm...plans. I have no plan as to what I'll be doing another three months from now, let alone which hemisphere I'll be living in. There are just too many variables! But really I just don't even want to think about, or rather can't, because that's just unnecessary worry. So I'm just going to keep enjoying myself.

In celebration of this fact, here's another round-up (yeah I'm getting the hang of this!) of some unexpected loveliness...

My friend Julia prepped her balcony for summer, so naturally we had to "warm" it with some 'Hugo' (elderflower syrup topped up with Prosecco). She also made some ripper cupcakes, unfortunately I was so excited by them that the photo was too blurry.

During a rush through the main shopping street, I had to stop and at least try to capture that blue sky. That is a true Bavarian-blue sky. 

Not your usual "hangover-feed"...but satisfying nonetheless. After an unexpected night out (usually the funnest!), I attempted to restore some vitamins with the carrot and lentil salad made by the Turkish grandma in the shop across the road, as had been recommended by my ex-flatmate. Not sure if I got back those vitamins but it was tasty. 

Finally caught these guys "in the act"! For you non-Europeans, or maybe even non-Germans (?) this is a 'Litfaßsäule'. It is basically an "advertising column", named after its inventor Herr Litfaß, who was a printer in Berlin in 1854. He ended up getting the monopoly for the whole of Berlin to sell advertising on (cheers Wiki)! Basically this is the old-school channel of advertising events before the world wide web came along. It's actually still super convenient today, since it brings your attention to local events you may not have even thought to google! This one is right outside my room, so I get a weekly update of Munich events. Since living here I've seen the posters change but never actually witnessed the culprits. This was around 6am one morning, and they were done in under three minutes. No wonder I'd always missed them.

Temporarily thought my neighbours' house was on fire, but was thankfully just a spectacular sunset.

Continuing on from the "hangover-feed"...a picnic feast! My friend Julia again had the brilliant idea (Julias are full of them!) of rounding up the troops for a picnic in the 'English Gardens', the huge park that runs through Munich. 

Initially we were a bit put off since when we arrived a lone man had decided that it would be acceptable for him to sunbathe in his buggy-smuggling undies close to where we wanted to sit! Too close. There was definitely no water in sight, so they were undies! We consciously settled our picnic feast a good distance away from him as to escape the view, and not be put off our food. 

We sat no more than 15 minutes, when Mr. Budgy-smuggler decided to come closer, and park himself and his package no more than five meters away!! Thankfully we had already had enough wine, and stuffed ourselves with enough food, that we could just laugh about it. Poor guy. I almost felt sorry for him.

That's all for today! I shall spend the rest of the day not planning, because I want to keep some room in my heart.

But I think, I would quite like to take a couple more photos of that street. One when the trees are covered in golden leaves, and another when they're blanketed in snow. 

Yours truly,
Fräulein SoulFood x


  1. Your "hangover feed" made me drool a little.

  2. Not on your keyboard I hope?! :) Must admit it was super-tasty, but let's be honest, most things are when you're hungover...


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