Life's roses

You may remember I was quite obsessed with my old 'hood, swanky Schwabing - I still am! And am hoping to return to this 'hood in my next move (due mid-July…). But in the meantime I have been appreciating life on the other side of the Isar, in the slightly more quiet 'hood called 'Untergiesing', or as I affectionately refer to it - Undergising! 

Since 'Undergising' has been looking particularly photogenic in the Summer sunshine, I figured I'd photograph one of my regular trips to the Rose Gardens, my favourite hangout in the 'hood. I was on my way last week already, and after five shots, I stood on a bee! Blogging is dangerous work I tell you! However, second time lucky! 

On the way there, you pass through a clearing in the forest which engulfs a small pond. Within the pond there lies an island. This is where my swan couple live. The swan couple has recently been extended to a swan family! Meet the Swansons! :)

The Swansons.
Bottoms up!

I find it quite calming to watch them gliding about the placid green, dipping their heads in here and there. But that's enough swanning about! Onto the roses! Well the general garden first…

The Rose Garden is not huge, and doesn't just feature roses, but I love how it's not too manicured, but lush and has plenty of nooks and crannies that you can escape to. Kind of like my secret garden! 

Love these pink pompom flowers!

And then there are the roses…A sea of them!

There are all sorts! From full-bodied blossom heads, to rounded little bouquets, roses with varying shades…

'Bayernland' - "Bavarian Country"

I believe these were called 'Coral'. Very fittingly so!
…to 'Teeny Weeny' ones! 

But my favourite rose of all, was actually the one that first struck me when I had a proper look around the roses the day I got back from NYC! When I learned its name, I considered it even more perfect. It is called…'My Munich'. 

'My Munich'
I was a bit bummed when I returned to photograph it, since it has apparently reached the end of its bloom. Initially it it had much more yellow at its core, but it was still beautiful.

Hope you enjoyed the little garden tour?! You can look forward to quite a few summery Munich posts coming up! Get excited! 

Yours truly,
Fräulein SoulFood x


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