What's in a name?

Another reason I took so long to get Fräulein SoulFood writing, was because I just couldn’t think of her name!!

I know it really shouldn’t matter. But, as previously mentioned I want for this blog to be an outlet for my thoughts and creative ventures so it had to fit you know?! Fortunately for YOU a hefty slab of me is my appreciation of food! Even though I am only a slightly above average cook and only slightly above that better baker, at that I turned out a bit of a natural, even if I do say so myself! But that’s not really enough is it?! Never fear! Because what I do have is the great fortune of not only being surrounded by really capable cooks (you will learn more about them later) but also living in an area lavished with local produce and where wining and dining is the main attraction, (so I like to think I get plenty of practice at it), introducing: the Matakana Coast Wine Country! Oooooooooh… (more about that later also!)

Back to the name, my name, Fräulein SoulFood! As much as I love food I also enjoy being hungry! To me that’s when food tastes the best, when your stomach is at the point of threatening to eat itself, you begin to salivate and as you pop that first spoon/fork/handful into your gob…ahhhhh relief. As I was saying, I enjoy being hungry, so there will be times (Christmas, Easter, parties, eating out 3 days in a row! etc.) when the mere thought of food will make my stomach churn, as I am still full from two days prior! Soul/Food allows me to write about anything that nourishes my soul!

Regarding the “Fräulein”. Lately there have been murmurings from family and friends, actually not murmurings, but straight up telling me to my face (!!!) that I have apparently become a bit of a food snob!! WHAT?!* In any case I figured a Fräulein in the name couldn’t hurt. Not only does she emphasise my bullshit detecting German-ness, but I also relish the fact that in Germany (or at least Bavaria!) if a woman is a Fräulein, not only is she single (let’s not get into my love life, or lack there of just yet!) but she carries connotations of “madamesque” behaviour and a certain “uptightness”, but also a sense of mischief! That, I thought suited rather well as I quite enjoy being a bit of a stirrer, not just in the kitchen!

Yours truly

Fräulein SoulFood

* I shall do more research on myself to confirm whether or not I agree later…


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