Round up: Mama & Papa SoulFood in Munich 2014

I've been desperate to write this post, but dreading it at the same time since it's a bit of an epic one to round up the rest of my time with Mama and Papa. So I best get stuck into it!

Since I only had a few holidays left for the year, and Mama and Papa were only  sporadically available between catching up with extended family, family friends and clients, I broke up my left over holidays into a series of long weekends. These we packed with as much quality time together, as well culture and culinary experiences as was possible.

These included visits to the 'Viktualienmarkt' in the heart of Munich - as popular with tourists as it is with locals!

If you wish to navigate your way around the city, you should remember these three landmarks: the maypole in the centre of the 'Viktualienmarkt', the clock tower 'Alter Peter', as well as the tip of the town hall where you will also find the famous 'Glockenspiel'. If you know these three and how they stand in relation to one another - you'll never get lost!

There will be a special post coming up about the market in the spring, but for now you can admire the lush figs that Mama got us for breakfast… 

Don't you just want to shove one in your gob?! 

On one corner of the 'Viktualienmarkt' is the 'Heilig Geist Kirche' ("Holy Ghost Church") which showcased a pretty epic origami-installation. 

When we had enough of the city's architecture, Mama and I went for "walk and talks" in the 'Englischer Garten'.

Or fully escaped the city to visit grandad and go for morning walks through the vast fields surrounding the village.

Where there is not a soul in sight, just cats guarding tractors.

To fulfill our need for nature and change of scenery, we took a day trip to the nearby Benedictine monastery 'Kloster Andechs'. Now before you go judging the place on its spiritual significance, you should know that what this place is really famous for, is its beer! 

Now that I have your attention, I should mention that it is also a very scenic hike up to the "holy mountain".

I don't know whether it was because we were dragging ourselves up a "holy mountain", but the weather gods pulled out all the stops and it was a glorious late Summer's day and we could see all the way to the Bavarian Alps! (you can just spot the silhouette in the photograph)

Atop the holy mountain, there was - surprise, surprise! - a church. And an old manor house.

Just below this we had a spot of lunch and a slug of the famous beer. Which for some reason never made it into the photo… 

My friend Julia, aka "Schubi" had asked me to join her and another friend for a night at the theatre, of course that was something I didn't want to miss out on and I took Mama along for a classy evening. Because she is a classy lady!

We had dinner at 'Stereo Cafe' since it happened to be around the corner from the theatre. 

I must admit, from the outside the architecture of the theatre doesn't knock my socks of, it's just big!

But from the moment you enter the foyer and ascend the flight of white marble stairs, your eye is drawn from one opulent detail to the next.

Fifteen minutes into the piece, we were thoroughly confused. We thought we had booked ourselves in for a night of ballet, but what we witnessed in those first fifteen minutes were people carrying large cardboard blobs in circles around the stage. It was one of those very contemporary pieces…

After those fifteen minutes the orchestra and "dancing" stopped and there was zealous applause. I thought to myself that this must be the first act, when suddenly the lights came on and people flooded out of the theatre. Generally people don't put on their coats if it is just break time. At this point I turned to the lady next to me to inquire whether there was more to come and thankfully she insured me - yes there was! 

However since I wasn't sure whether there would be more "blob-carrying" to come and I needed some distraction to digest the first round, Mama and I used the break to explore the rest of the theatre.

Thankfully their was no more blob-carrying, but three more acts of beautiful ballet. Since the other two classy ladies had managed to nab the super cheap "student seats" in the second row (!!), Mama and I met up with them after every act to discuss the four very different pieces. 

My favourite was the last piece. All dancers were dressed in silver onesies and floated around the stage like the snow flakes presently dancing around outside.

Of course, us young Classy Birds had to get a photo for memories' sake.

Occasionally, Papa would be passing through Munich and join us for dinner. One night at my favourite Greek restaurant 'Kalypso' which I have previously raved about.

Though this wasn't Oktoberfest, an excursion or a concert - "just" dinner - this was my favourite evening in the time that Mama and Papa SoulFood were in town. Not because we could order up large… 

…but because for one evening, it felt like they lived just around the corner, and that was a feeling that warmed me to the cockles of my heart!

Thanks for visiting you lovelies - can't wait for 2015's visit!

Yours truly,
Fräulein SoulFood x


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